The path
toward the future

... leads through the past and the present.




Anton Häring KG has been carbon neutral at its headquarters in Bubsheim since the beginning of 2022. Häring opts for the strategy "Avoid. Reduce. Compensate." - Avoiding emissions is the top priority. Measures already implemented include sustainable electricity production through the photovoltaic system and the combined heat and power unite, the use of sustainable heat sources such as waste heat, recycling of production waste, species protection projects, tree planting actions, support for high-quality compensation projects and much more. 


World Market Leader Index

For the third time in a row, Anton Häring KG is honored as a Hidden Champion and listed in the World Market Leader Index of the University of St. Gallen.


Company anniversary

60 years of Anton Häring KG - the technology company celebrates its anniversary and focuses on strong future topics.

Because thinking of everything means above all: thinking ahead.


Valuable employer for the common good

ServiceValue and WirtschaftsWoche magazine recognize Häring as a company that is particularly valuable to society.


More than a Market Award 2020

Häring is honored in China for its social and societal commitment by the German Chamber of Commerce in China as well as by the representations of the Federal Republic of Germany in the People's Republic of China.


Deutschlands Beste Arbeitgeber (Germany's Best Employers)

DIE WELT and ServiceValue award the family-owned group with the independent award "Deutschlands Beste Arbeitgeber (Germany's Best Employer)," thus recognizing the "very high attractiveness" of Anton Häring KG for employees.


Weltmarktführer-Index (World Market Leader Index)

Anton Häring KG is once again listed as a "Hidden Champion in Germany" in the Weltmarktführer-Index (World Market Leader Index) of the University of St. Gallen.


Awarded Company Academy of Suzhou City

The Suzhou Training Bureau awards the Häring Academy the recognition as "Awarded Company Academy of Suzhou City". As a result, Häring Academy is now among the first group of Suzhou City Company Academies.


Continental and Schaeffler Premium Supplier Award

Anton Häring KG has been awarded the “Premium Supplier” for another two years because of its outstanding performances regarding: quality, delivery reliability, costs, and willingness to innovate.



The Chinese location Häring Precision Technology Co. Ltd. in Taicang won the UAES Supplier Award for outstanding innovation for the second time - for a much more efficient processing solution and smooth mass production on site.


Jiangsu Friendship Award

Managing Director Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Häring received one of the highest awards in the Chinese province of Jiangsu: The Jiangsu Friendship Award honors friendly cooperation and economic support at the location.



The family group Häring is included in the world market leader index as WMF champion.


TOP JOB award

Häring received TOP JOB award and is one of the best employers in Germany.


Innovation award in Taicang

The Chinese location of Häring was recognized by the Office for Innovation and Technology in Taicang in early 2019 as a "progressive company in scientific and technological innovations". The award was primarily due to our continuous investments and the associated progress in research and development.


Award of Education and Practice

Häring Taicang received the "Award of Education and Practice" for the commitment and the success achieved in the regional education sector.


Expansion of the Academy in Germany; rebuilding of the production office.

The space for training was doubled as a result of the expansion of the Academy basement.

The production office also has a new luster following its modernization.


Bosch Supplier Award

For the third time, Anton Häring KG receives the award for reliable partnership and outstanding performance in the production and supply of products and services.


Production expansion in Poland

At the location in Poland, we acquired the neighboring business ZSM. The renovation is completed in this year and, as a result, our production department grows about 20,000 sq m.


Schaeffler / Continental Award

After earning the designation of "Premium Supplier" of the companies Continental and Schaeffler, we are honored that, as we work together in the future, we are now part of a select group of 32 premium suppliers.


New building in the USA

Häring continues to advance its internationalization and begins with the design as well as the construction of a new location in the US state of Georgia.


Expansion in China

The expansion in Taicang was completed in January. As in Bubsheim and in Poland, there is now also a Häring academy in China.  

Production: 12,000 sq m
Basement: 7,000 sq m


Academy and cafeteria in Poland

The Poland location gets its own academy building and a company restaurant.


Bosch Supplier Award

For the second time, we receive the Bosch Supplier Award for our outstanding products and services as supplier of the Bosch Group.


Expansion in Poland

The expansion in Poland is completed this year. Häring's production space has grown to 70,000 sq m. 


Expansion Bubsheim

The Häring team keeps growing. This year, the expansion is completed and the production area increases to 25,000 sq m. 

In addition, a cogeneration unit is completed at the Bubsheim location.


Company anniversary and anniversary of the Poland location

Anton Häring KG celebrates its 50-year anniversary at its headquarters in Bubsheim in southern Germany. At the same time, 1,200 employees of Haering Polska celebrate their 10th anniversary and the steady growth of their location.


New location in China

The new facility "Haering Precision" is being opened in the Chinese city of Taicang.


Bosch preferred supplier

In recognition of our competence and quality, the Bosch Group awards us the designation of "preferred supplier" in the area of turned parts.  


Company restaurant in Bubsheim

Häring provides its employees with healthy nutrition at work: The new company restaurant is opening its doors in the headquarters in Bubsheim.


Expansion in Poland, new construction in China

In Poland, thanks to an expansion, Häring can now produce on 25,000 sq m. In China, construction has started on the new location in Taicing (6,000 sq m production area; supply of the Asian market).


Anton Häring Academy

The inauguration of the 3,300 sq m Anton Häring Academy symbolizes a comprehensive expansion and professionalization of our in-house training and further development. It is also the start of the training of 18 Chinese employees (6 engineers and 12 skilled workers) for the future location in Taicang. In 2005, the production hall was expanded as well ( multi-spindle equipment and machines for further processing together with the production department's grinding shop).


Quick growth in Poland

The number of employees has already increased to more than 190.


New location in Poland

Häring positions itself for the markets of the future and opens a new location south of Lodz in the Polish city of Piotrków. Area: 10,000 sq m Employees: approx. 70.


Bosch Supplier Award

For the first time, we receive the Supplier Award for outstanding quality and excellent performance as a supplier of the Bosch Group.


Supplier or the year

Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG names us Supplier of the Year 2001. 


A-supplier distinction

The company Theodor Heimeier Metallwerk GmbH & Co. KG designates us as an A-supplier in recognition of the very good cooperation in the areas of technical innovation, quality, delivery, service and costs.


Expansion Bubsheim

The continued growth requires a new expansion of production facilities to 19,000 sq m as well as the introduction of a driverless transport system.


11,000 sq m

An expansion increases the area of the production hall to 11,000 sq m.


MDE system

With the introduction of the MDE system for the collection of machine data, Häring is able to increase its productivity tremendously.


Turned parts production for BOSCH

Häring produces various turned parts for the new injection valve (EV6) from BOSCH.


New facilities

With a modern plant expansion, the floor space of the office and the mechanical engineering department is increased significantly.


New production

With the development of a gear tooth production for the 232 employees, Häring optimizes production.


New building, high-tech, manpower

The production halls are increased to 9,500 sq m and the first CNC lathe is purchased. Current number of employees: more than 200.


Award from Robert Bosch GmbH

Anton Häring KG receives the award in recognition of outstanding quality and special services as supplier of Robert Bosch GmbH.


More precise technology

New machines for superfinishing and 8-spindle machines expand the potential of the company.


Our team gets its own tennis court

From now on, employees can end their work day with a bit of exercise. The construction of our tennis court gets an enthusiastic reception. The company also serves as a sponsor by purchasing the initial equipment.


New plant

In order not to stifle the growth of the company, it moves into a new building and the production department is expanded through gearing technology. As a result, the 94 employees benefit from more space and high-tech.


In-house tool grinding shop

For more speed and higher quality, Häring begins to rely on its own tool grinding shop. Indexing table machines expand the production department.


Investment in new technology

The first multi-spindle machine is purchased for the 60 employees.


Constant growth

By now, the company has 45 employees and owns more than 60 Swiss-type lathes and parting-off automatic machines.


More space, more technology, more employees

The company moves into an extension, where 32 employees manufacture products using newly purchased Swiss-type lathes.


New plant, new products, new employee benefits

When moving into the new production plant, the 14-employee company also changes its portfolio and makes the switch from standard parts to designed turned parts that were manufactured using new Swiss-type lathes. In 1996, the company starts training apprentices and the employees are able to take advantage of additional benefits in the areas of pensions and life insurance.


Construction of a new plant

For a long time, there had been insufficient space in the barn. As a result, the first plant is built.



Anton Häring, a mechanic and technician who was only 21 at the time he founded Anton Häring, Werk für Präzisionstechnik (plant for precision technology). Using two parting-off automatic machines in his parent's barn, he begins with the production of standard parts (screws, nuts).